747-400V4 Passenger for FS2004 only, Certain features on this model will not work with FSX, nor be compatible with, Model is by Project Opensky.

To install this magnificent Aircraft,

1) Go To: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Aircraft

2) Unzip the the file to there (C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Aircraft)

3) Enjoy, but not yet please read the next set of steps for the 747 cockpit panel.

For the Real 747-400 Cockpit gauges to work,

1)Click On "747-400 Cockpit"

2) unzip only the "Gauges" folder

3) open up the extracted Gauges folder

4) Copy and paste the zipped files to gauges folder (C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Flight Simulator 9/Gauges)

5)Enjoy the 747-400 cockpit panel

Press Shift+7 for ground utilities..